
R13.04 - Race: LICX / KPCX / Kreb Cyclocross #2

I'm going to make this short since there isn't much to write.  It snowed a bit the night before, so there was a dusting of snow on the ground that morning.  It was also incredibly cold and windy.  I got there around 9:30 to help set up the course, which was good, because it seemed like there were fewer volunteers in the cold.  The tape was blowing all over the place, which made things difficult.  With my foulies on, it felt like I was on an expedition in the russian tundra or something.  A lot of the road sections were still icy, so Gregory had to get created with the course.  This involved a lot of curb jumps, which took a little bit for me to get used to.

Equipment-wise, I put andy's wider and knobbier cx tire on the rear and I also gave this fake go-pro action cam a shot.  It's this polaroid camera that my parents got me for christmas.

I picked up my number and got dressed.  To combat the cold, I wore a base layer and a jersey under my long sleeve skinsuit, long wool socks, leg warmers, and pink rhino socks on the outside.  I also used my lightweight gloves which are slowly falling apart.

After lining up, but before the race itself started, we did one easy lap of the course so everyone knew what they were in for.  I didn't turn on the camera for this, which would have been smart.  Also, my garmin turned off 3/4 through the lap.  I don't know what's going on with that.  My knee hurt a little bit on the thick grass section, which didn't bode well for the actual race.

We lined up again, Gregory counted us off, and we went.  I tried to get a good start, probably around 5ish or so.  I slid back and forth with one or two riders, but it was for the most part status quo.  I slammed my back wheel pretty good on the first curb jump, but no flat, though I did lose my camera.  As it turns out, I should have mounted it upside-down.  Or right side up as it would turn out.  My knee hurt even more this lap, which I realized wasn't going to go away any time soon, so I looked deep inside, and sat up.  I opted for the easier and healthier option of giving up and getting warm instead.

I watched all the other riders tear it up, rang the bell for the last lap, and then helped tear down the course.  This actually went really quick this time.  I think more volunteers stayed to clean up.

And that's the race.  Long story short, nothing worth writing about.

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