
2010.17 - Build 2 Week 4

Alright, this is the point where my training calendar gets a little weird. being a week 4, this should be a rest week. however, since i shifted build 2 up a week, originally this should have been a regular week. in the end, i think this will be a normal build 2 week, then next week will be my rest week. isn't that exciting?

Weekly Wrap-up:
Wanted: 6hr
Actual: 5ish hours
Grade: 83.3% =B, better than i had figured. though I think i was rather generous with my estimations.

Sunday: Central Park spring series race. See race post above. In addition, Karl and I also snuck onto Nichols Rd, as it was closed to traffic for a half marathon type deal. man, running is alot easier on a bike.
Time: 1:04:40 racing. maybe 30 min for the nichols rd ride?

Saturday: Not much. Racing tomorrow. Did some errands on the track bike. which probably was a terrible idea. my legs are pretty sore now. lots of wind today.

Friday: Cruise intervals. 3 sets of 7 minutes with 3 minutes rest. 5 minutes at the beginning and end for warm-up/down. I was hoping for 4, but just didn't have it in me. This could be related to my average speed being higher than the last time I did these. who knows.
Time: 00:37:02
Distance: 12.87 mi
Speed: 20.9 / 33.2 mph
Cadence: 101 /151 rpm
HR: 163 / 180 bpm

Thursday: Nothing. I'm starting to think I might as well just make this a rest week, since I sure haven't done anything worthwhile. The only problem is what do I do with next week?

Wednesday: The plan was to have a nice long ride today in the morning. That of course fell through, as I like to stay up late to watch the late late show with craig ferguson. This usually leads to me watching more tv afterwards, maybe some infomercials, and then the next thing you know, i'm getting to sleep by 3am. Anyhow, Instead I decided on a shortened hilly ride in the afternoon. What a terrible idea. I thought about taking another rest day multiple times through the ride. It was either the stiff headwind, my general suckage, or the constant temperature fluctuations, but I felt like crap. constantly. Data to follow. for real this time.
Time: 1:43:50
Distance: 30.77 mi
Speed: 17.8 / 36.9 mph
Cadence: 92 / 136 rpm
HR: 172 / 243 bpm. As you might have guessed, this is wildly off. I blame the wind causing my jersey to flap too much and screw with the HR signal.

Tuesday: If you'll note, i'm reversing my daily chronology. Jeremy is too lame to bother to scroll down the page, so in the interest of keeping my readership (As far as I know, Jeremy is the only one that reads this blog) I'll put the latest days at the top. As for anything bike related that I did today...well...I didn't do anything. I decided to extend my rest day a bit.

Monday: Rest day. rested. slightly. i got tired of it eventually and went out for a short, but hardish ride. data to follow. This is in fact a complete lie. As it turns out, I had stopped my garmin to visit the bike shop at the start of my ride, and forgot to start it again. Whoops. it wasn't that interesting anyhow.
Time: an hourish?

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