
2010.06 - hardCORE!

If you're wondering about the title for this week, it's because i've mostly been focusing on my core. i will have the most stabile torso ever seen in the NYC peloton.

Monday: mainly rest day, with some core work added in. regular crunches, transverse planks, regular plank, leg raises, declined pushups, lunges.

Tuesday: 45 minute roller ride. stay tuned for a graph. included a single 20 minute interval. core work again. calf raises, transverse planks, declined pushups.

Wednesday: what did i do today? maybe no riding. I remember doing some transverse planks and declined pushups. Lots of core workouts this week.

Thursday: Well, during the day, I helped to tear down the ceiling in the bike shop. that worked alot of muscles that i didn't know i had. At night I did 45 minutes on the rollers with the track bike. mostly steady endurance, with two high cadence efforts. I could only hold it for 30 seconds each time, but I felt that my cadence was much faster than on the road bike. I'm hoping to get another garmin cadence sensor so I can validate this.

Friday: Nothing today. I've been feeling kinda down lately, so between that and this remodelling stuff i pretty much slept all day, worked for a few hours, and then slept some more. i feel tore up. what is the properly grammatical way of saying that, anyhow?

Saturday: Still having trouble sleeping at night. I think this has caused me to put too much stress on my shoulder while laying on my bed hating life, so no riding today as i didn't want to aggravate it further.

Sunday: Again with the not sleeping well. I did ride the rollers tonight, however. 45 minutes with a 20 minute interval of kinda hardness. no data. didn't feel like it. so there.

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