
2013.10: Base 3.2 - 1/28 - 2/3

Sunday: Another day off, another attempt at a long ride.  My legs still felt dull from all the riding this week (how strange a concept).  I decided on roughly 40 miles in roughly 2.5 hours, which I roughly hit spot on.  I picked up some snacks from the bakery on the way home.  I think I also saw Ron along 25a.  And some guy in his car asked me why I was riding on the way out along 347.  what an eventful ride!
NP/IF/TSS: 167/0.758/141

Saturday: I had the urge to ride after work, so I went to cordwood to do some hill repeats.  I was hoping for ten of them, but after the previous two nights' roller sessions my legs weren't all there.  This meant I only did five repeats.
NP/IF/TSS: 241W/1.092/63

Friday: Double ride today.  Rode to the beach before work, since I went in late.  Rode the rollers in the evening.  Shane suggested 5x2min intervals with 2min rest.  And that's what I did.
NP/IF/TSS: 199W/0.902/57
NP/IF/TSS: 193W/0.874/48

Thursday: Rode the rollers.  Tried for on the bike 2x20s.  Failed again. At least I was able to remember what it felt like to do intervals on the rollers.
NP/IF/TSS: 189W/0.857/35

Wednesday: No riding.

Tuesday: Since I work now, my choice of days to ride is very limited.  As such, even though today was supposed to be warm, it was too damp and chilly for me.  Usually, I would turn right around and crawl into bed, but I stuck it out for a little bit.  I was going to ride out east to where I could do uninhibited 2x20s, but instead just attempted something similar while dodging the lights along 347.  By the time I went past crazy beans, I gave up, had a latte and just hammered home.  All in all, I don't know if this was useful training in the least.
NP/IF/TSS: 219W/0.993/131

Monday: Rest day.  Rested.

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