Monday: Spinday mondays on the rollers. The usual set of 5x1min intervals. This time instead of spinning as hard as I could for each interval, I decided on doing the first interval at around 170 rpm, the second at 160, 150, 140 and then 160 for the final interval. Also, I used the track bike. I finally got a cadence sensor hooked up. The nice thing about a Garmin 705 is that it'll recognize multiple cadence sensors for each bike. The bad thing about a Garmin 705 is that it only has room for three bike profiles, apparently. Who only has 3 bikes? really.
Time: 00:35:25
Avg Cadence:
Total: 99 rpm
Int1: 163
Int2: 156
Int3: 149
Int4: 139
Int5: 159
Tuesday: Hard day of remodeling at the shop. No riding. I did do some core work late yesterday, that I'll count for today. Also, I did some calf raises actually today. Combined with the work on the shop, I'd say I did an equivalent of 1 hour of riding.
Wednesday: not a whole lot.
Thursday: 15 minutes easy spinning. I'm having trouble with motivation this week.
Friday: Nothing. I think I've decided to slide my rest week up to this week instead of next week. I just have no motivation this week. Between the snow, then endless rain, and now snow again, I'm just sick of everything.
EDIT: I did ride! hooray! 30 minutes. The standard single hard 20min efffort. woo-ha!
Saturday: 15 minutes easy spinning. better than nothing
Sunday: nothing.
Weekly Abacus:
Wanted: 3.5 hours
Had: 2.5 hours
Grade: 71.4 = C (hooray!)