
A Look to Next Season

Alright. Well. As you might notice, there were no updates about my progress last season. That's because absolutely nothing noteworthy happened. Well, except for winning my age group in the Tour of Missouri Amateur Sprint Competition. It sounds more impressive than it was, trust me. At least I got a plaque signed by Cav and Thor out of the deal.

Anyhow, my plan now is to put this past season behind me and start training for next season. So far I have come up with the following:
-I have already begun base training. Being unemployed, this will consist of many LSD rides, with a little bit of tempo thrown in for good measure.
-Hopefully at least one day a week will be AR on the rollers. this gives me the benefit of not twiddling along busy roads as well as working on my balance/spin/the whole 9.
-As it stands, I'm thinking a double peak season sounds pretty nice. Hopefully late April and early August (what a coincidence, just in time for opening weekend and state champs for track...)
-Yes. I'm still a cat5 on the road. No. I'm not proud of it. Yes. I am determined to rectify this as soon as possible.
-I'm slowly giving up my euro "train by feel" tendencies and have started using an HRM. Zone 3 is a lot slower than I thought. This is good to know.

Today I rode for 3:13, just about 50 miles, solid zone 3 workout. It's a start!